Now Accepting New Clients in Washington, Texas, and Idaho
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Forms and Resources
Patient Forms
Please click on the links below and fill out the required forms prior to your first visit.
Individual Therapy
Click on the Client Intake Form and Client Disclosure Form: Individual
Couples or Family Therapy
Click on Client Intake Form and Client Disclosure Form: Couples and Families.
Group Therapy
Click on Client Intake Form and Group Therapy Consent Form.
Send completed forms to Benita Weems. Click on the email link below:
Recommended Resources
As a leading professional mental health counselor, I know what exceptional care means - that’s why I offer my clients a wide range of useful information. Feel free to explore these complementary resources we have listed below, and educate yourself at your convenience wherever you are.
Boundaries by Henry Cloud
Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You Dry by Albert Bernstein
Dr. Kristen Neff
The Hilarious World of Depression
PopCulture Therapists
Shame Informed Therapy by Patti Ashley